Frequently Asked Questions
EQUIP Britain International is 9-10 months. A typical schedule is from September to July.
Participants will raise their own funds to cover life and ministry expenses. The total budget may vary depending on the sending organisation and life circumstances. A suggested budget will be sent to the sending organisation.
EQUIP is for anyone who would like to investigate their call and suitability for cross-cultural ministry. We are able to accommodate singles, couples, and families from various ministry and missionary organisations.
Different from an internship, EQUIP is an intensive practical ministry opportunity that would best be described as an apprenticeship. Through living and working in actual ministry experiences, the next generation of urban cross-cultural workers is being prepared while expanding the ministry footprint in Birmingham, England.
EQUIP is a hands-on mission opportunity under the guidance of experienced disciple-makers and church planters. During the 10-months of EQUIP, time is divided into approximately 30% formal training and coaching and 70% developing and implementing strategies to connect with the community.
Training topics include, but are not limited to:
- Team dynamics
- Disciple-making movements methodologies
- Ethnographic research
- Strategy development
- Spiritual conversations
- Engagement with many of the world’s major faiths and religions
- Mentoring
- Coaching
- Spiritual formation
Birmingham is classified as a “Super-Diverse” city. It is a city of multi-faiths and cultures. It has over 178 Mosques and 21 Gurdwaras. This is why the EQUIP team believes Birmingham is the perfect location to experience urban disciple-making.
EQUIP Britain International’s Executive Director is David Fittro. Teresa Fittro serves as the Administrative Director. Sheri Smith, Tammy Aho, and Tim Aho serve as Mentors. Jenn Newingham serves alongside David, as a Coach, and Teresa, as an Administrator. Sam Ewell is the Spiritual Formation Director. In addition to these seven leaders, you will have the opportunity to learn from and work alongside a range of experienced disciple-makers. Click HERE for more information on the Leadership Team.
John Dewey once said, “We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.” Mentoring assists in the development of the participant’s character. Mentoring helps them know where they have come from and the experiences that have shaped them. This helps the participants know themselves. Mentors meet regularly with EQUIP participants in both one-on-one and whole-group lettings.
During EQUIP, coaches provide guidance, support, and training as you learn the principles of urban church planting in a post-secular, super-diverse setting. Coaching guides team development and strategy application. As participants develop contacts in the community, coaches help them ask the right questions about ‘self’ and ‘team’. This helps the participants know healthy team dynamics. Coaches meet regularly with participants in both one-on-one and whole-group settings.
It is the goal of spiritual formation in the EQUIP experience for participants to grow in the disciplines of being a disciple. This is a journey that builds on their previous experiences as well as helps prepare them for continued growth post-EQUIP. This is a crucial part of the EQUIP journey as it helps to shape participants into the likeness of Christ and helps them become disciples worth multiplying. The spiritual formation director meets with participants in small and whole-group settings.
Yes! EQUIP is affiliated with the Fellowship of Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland [FCC]. You will be working alongside church planters from this network, as well as other like-minded networks.
Participants learn principles that lead to reproducible church planting. They develop hands-on ministry skills while strategically implementing new ministry initiatives among various post-secular communities. The tools and insights gained in the areas of personal growth, spiritual formation, and disciple-making can be taken and implemented in the participant’s next ministry location.
You can submit your pre-application HERE.